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Steel Cut Oats

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12 oz
$1.00 / oz
1.5 lbs
$9.01 / lb
2.5 lbs
$5.86 / lb
5 lbs
$4.34 / lb
10 lbs
$3.64 / lb
20 lbs
$2.95 / lb
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  • — Vegan

Looking for a nutritious breakfast grain? Food to Live’s Steel Cut Oats are an excellent choice. It is a kind of oat grain that only has the outer husk removed and has been cut into small pieces. Our Steel Cut Oats are Whole-grain, Premium Quality, 100% Raw, Kosher, and Vegan.

Steel Cut Oats Health Benefits

You probably wonder “What’s the difference between Steel Cut Oats vs Rolled Oats and are Steel Cut Oats healthier?”. Well steel cut oats nutrition profile is slightly richer compared to Rolled Oats since they are less processed. To begin with, Steel Cut Oats are a fair source of plant protein, essential for those who work out as well as dietary fiber which promotes good digestion. 

Further, Premium Quality Steel Cut Oats contain antioxidants in addition to various vitamins and essential minerals including Vitamin E, Iron, Zinc, Folate, and Selenium. Moreover, Steel Cut Oats Glycemic Index is low and they provide a slow energy release. Among other Steel Cut Oats benefits, there are potential anti-inflammatory and heart-healthy effects.

Versatile Uses of Steel Cut Oats

Cooked Steel-Cut Oats boast a hearty and chewy texture with a pleasant nutty flavor. They make an excellent breakfast porridge and a substitute for rolled oats. Prepare them either sweet or savory. Discover Steel Cut Oats recipe that combines nutritious oats with fresh or dried fruits, nuts and honey, or cook it with spices and complement the porridge with feta cheese, tuna, and avocado. Besides, you can serve steel cut oats as a side dish with meat and veggies or add them to salads, or soups. What’s more, make yummy Apple Crisp with Steel Cut Oats, cookies, or energy bars. 

How to Cook Steel Cut Oats

Combine 1 cup of Steel Cut Oats and 3-4 cups of liquid (water or milk;  the amount can be adjusted depending on the texture you prefer)

Bring the mixture to a boil, cover, and reduce the heat

Simmer, stirring occasionally for 20-30 mins (depending on the desired texture)

Add the topping of your choice and enjoy!

Tip: Soak Steel Cut Oats overnight to reduce the cooking time. 

Shopping in Bulk

At Food to Live you can get Steel Cut Oats bulk and pay less per unit. It’s a good idea since this grain can be stored long-term (for up to 2 years). Looking for wholesale sizes? Visit our sister shop foodinbulk.com

Storage Tips

Store Steel Cut Oats in a food-grade container with an air-tight lid in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.

How to Cook Oat Groats: Top 3 Easy Recipes

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