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Fenugreek Seeds

fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek Seeds (Methi)
Fenugreek Seeds (Methi)
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0-fenugreek seeds-small-pack1
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8 oz
$0.96 / oz
1 lb
$13.19 / lb
2.5 lbs
$7.60 / lb
5 lbs
$5.32 / lb
10 lbs
$4.78 / lb
25 lbs
$4.29 / lb
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  • — Kosher, Raw, Vegan
  • — Great for Sprouting
  • — High Germination Rate
  • — Cholesterol and Sugar Free
  • — High in Iron and Protein

Fenugreek Seeds are small, yellowing-brown seeds that come from the fenugreek plant, belonging to the Fabaceae (pea) family. They are native to the Indian subcontinent, particularly the sub-Himalayan plains. These seeds have a strong, bitter flavor and a pungent aroma, and are commonly used as a spice in Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African cuisine. Today, fenugreek grows all over southern Europe, parts of Africa, and other parts of Asia. Food to Live Fenugreek Seeds are raw and of Premium Quality. They’re Kosher, Vegan, and are can be sprouted. 

Nutritional Value of Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are a great source of soluble fiber and contain various phytonutrients.  These seeds also carry high amounts of essential minerals, such as Calcium, Iron, Copper, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, and Magnesium. Moreover, Fenugreek Spice packs Vitamins A, C, and several B-complex vitamins.

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds

Seeds of Fenugreek are typically dry-roasted to bring out their subtle flavors, having a bittersweet taste initially. Many Indian dishes call for whole spices to better impart the full nuances of flavor, and seeds of fenugreek can be quickly ground in a mortar and pestle for the best flavor. Many prefer to sprout these seeds instead. Yes, Food to Live Fenugreek Seeds are sproutable and have a high germination rate. Some of the most famous dishes cooked with Fenugreek Seeds are butter chicken, Chana masala, methi paratha, shrimp curry, and Ethiopian stews.

How to Sprout Fenugreek Seeds at Home

  1. Yields approximately 3 Cups (1/2 lb.) of sprouts. Prep 3 tablespoons of seeds, then transfer into a bowl or a sprouter. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60°-70°) water. Mix the seeds up to assure even water contact for all.
  2. Allow seeds to soak for 6-12 hours. Empty the seeds into the sprouter (if necessary). Drain off the soak water. Rinse thoroughly with cool (60°-70°) water. Drain thoroughly! Set the sprouter anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between rinses. Ensure sufficient air-circulation is provided.
  3. Always be sure to drain thoroughly. The most common cause of inferior sprouts is inadequate drainage. Rinse and drain again every 8-12 hours for 3 days.

Enjoy your homemade fenugreek sprouts! How to sprout

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Product Reviews
Reviews on
Excellent value and quality. Great for sprouting! Also for Indian cooking, pickles, relishes and condiments, like in prepared mustard.
No complaints! Yummy porridge. Well packaged, good and very fresh quality seeds. I made a porridge these and it turned out delicious. Never used before, but saw a video stating its many benefits! I'm taking to help increase breastmilk production.
By far, the best sprouts I've ever eaten! These are the best sprouts to grow! Just soak seeds in a jar, for (8-12) hours. Then, rinse 'em out once a day. In a few days, you have a jar filled with delicious sprouts! (Better than any other sprouts you've eaten; because they're fresh.) They're crunchy and flavorful. I have a new addiction, and it's fenugreek sprouts!
from Skip
My second time ordering I absolutely love this fenugreek I use it on my hair oils I also take it by daily it has many benefits I will definitely keep buying from this seller
from D.r
Great value, nice product. I purchased these to soak and drink as a beverage with honey. Well, I just couldn't drink it that way and enjoy it. I gathered some spices I had and made a hot tea with anise, nutmeg, cinnamon, fresh lemon/TrueLemon, and a pinch of salt to help with the bitterness. I will be trying again with a Tazo Chai tea bag when I don't feel like fussing with spices. Some people prefer dairy instead of lemon, but I never liked milk in tea. I also eat the seeds after they have boiled in liquid, they really don't have any flavor after boiling, so I can add them to almost anything. Once boiled they are soft. This is a big bag and a value. If you are sprouting them, I don't know how long the seeds with be viable to sprout.
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