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Orange Powder

Orange Powder 1
Orange Powder 2
Orange Powder 3
Orange Powder 4
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12 oz
$1.21 / oz
1 lb
$21.60 / lb
1.5 lbs
$18.53 / lb
2.5 lbs
$16.27 / lb
5 lbs
$11.44 / lb
9 lbs
$11.39 / lb
18 lbs
$11.33 / lb
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We also have
  • — Raw, Vegan
  • — Spray-dried

For Food to Live’s Orange Powder, we select premium-quality oranges which are then inspected and thoroughly washed. To obtain a nutrient-dense, highly concentrated powder, we use the spray-drying technique, which efficiently decreases the moisture content of the fruit. As a result, a single teaspoon of our fine orange powder equals to a whole fresh orange packed with plenty of vitamins. If that isn’t impressive then keep reading to learn more of its uses and benefits. 

Versatile Uses of Orange Powder 

The taste and aroma of Orange Powder very much resembles oranges themselves – sweet, citrusy, and refreshing. You may enhance your dishes with sour-like flavor by using orange powder in savory entrees like baked salmon. Sprinkle it over yogurt, ice cream, and sweet porridge, or use it as a natural coloring agent in your baked goodies: pies, cakes, and biscuits. Create vitamin-infused beverages by adding 1-2 teaspoons to juices, smoothies, and tea. Besides, this powder is often used as a natural sun remover in face-care cosmetics. Use it for creating a homemade mask to keep your skin fresh and toned. (*This product does not cure or prevent any diseases). 

Great Health Benefits  

Dry Orange Powder is famous for its high level of vitamin C which boosts the immunity and improves digestion. Also, it contains vitamins A, B1, D, Calcium, Pantothenic, and Folic acids. This list of nutrients will benefit your teeth and bones, relieve stress, and reduce heart pressure. Moreover, it is a great source of Beta-carotene and oxidants, like Zinc and Manganese, which are linked to improving vision, skin, and hair texture. Only 1 teaspoon of Orange Powder can provide you with approximately 80 calories, 250 mg of Potassium, 19g of carbohydrates, and 1g of protein. Please note that it’s better to limit yourself to 1-2 teaspoons of Orange Powder a day. Even if powdered orange is good for you, it is to be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, redness and inflammation of the skin can appear. 

If stored properly, the shelf-life of Dry Orange Powder can be extended to 1.5 years.  We recommend keeping it tightly sealed in the fridge to prevent petrification.

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