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Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box

Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box
Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box 1
Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box 2
Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box 3
Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box 4
Organic Sprouting Seeds Gift Box 5
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$37.93 / Box
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  • — Organic, Non-GMO
  • — Kosher, Vegan, Raw
  • — Box Content: Organic Broccoli Seeds (8-oz bag), Organic Alfalfa Seeds (8-oz bag), Organic Radish Seeds (8-oz bag), Organic Mung Beans (8-oz bag), Organic Clover Seeds (8-oz bag)

Organic Broccoli sprouts are nutrient-dense and excellent sources of vitamins A, B, C, and E. They also contain essential minerals and 35% protein. Broccoli sprouts are the perfect crunchy topping to any of your dishes. The sprouts add the sweetness of fresh greens and a perfect crunch for any sandwich, sushi, or salad. Just pluck a bunch from your sprout jar, give them a rinse, and they are ready to use!

Organic Alfalfa Seeds may be used in numerous dishes and even beverages, so the ways to benefit from them are varied. These seeds are rich in easily digested nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, and. Because we offer this organic product in our store, with our seeds, you will enjoy several times as many benefits as you might with the usual seeds.

Organic Radish Seeds from Food to Live are perfect for those who want to enjoy the varied health benefits and spicy flavor of radish sprouts. Radish Seeds can be sprouted using any method you like. Organic radish seeds make a good source of B vitamins and vitamin C, one of the most effective antioxidants in existence.

Organic Mung Beans are a species of legume that makes its family proud. They are nutritious and easy to cook. They can be used in many dishes, so everyone enjoys this healthy food. One of the main reasons why mung beans are such a versatile culinary ingredient is their flavor. They taste similar to other legumes, but a bit milder. Because their natural flavor is so ‘unobtrusive’, mung beans can be combined with almost anything.

Organic Clover Seeds from Food to Live are rather versatile. The majority of people use them for sprouting. You can grow a batch of delicious and nutritious microgreens with these seeds. As they are organic, so would your sprouts as long as you don’t treat them with chemicals. However, once you sprout them, they become one of the best microgreens you can find. Spicy, crunchy, and juicy organic clover sprouts give you a huge boost of nutrition.

How to Sprout Seeds at Home

  1. Yields approximately 3 Cups (1/2 lb.) of Sprouts. Prep 3 Tablespoons of seed, then transfer into a bowl or your Sprouter. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60°-70°) water. Mix seeds up to assure even water contact for all.
  2. Allow seeds to soak for 6-12 hours. Empty the seeds into your Sprouter (if necessary). Drain off the soak water. Rinse thoroughly with cool (60°-70°) water. Drain thoroughly! Set your Sprouter anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between Rinses. Ensure sufficient air-circulation is provided.
  3. Always be sure to Drain very thoroughly. The most common cause of inferior sprouts is inadequate drainage. Rinse and Drain every 8-12 hours again for 3 days.

Enjoy Your Homemade Sprouts

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