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Organic Shiitake Mushroom Powder

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Organic Shiitake Mushroom Powder 5
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  • — Non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher, Raw Powder
  • — A Good Source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6, and Folate
  • — Rich in Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Copper and Selenium
  • — Low in Cholesterol and Sodium

Delicious, nutritious, and enjoyable all around, that’s what Organic Shiitake Powder is. This product doesn’t only provide you with a boost of fiber, protein, iron, and various vitamins. It also helps transform even a regular omelet into a culinary wonder. Food To Live Organic Shiitake Mushroom Powder is produced by drying and pulverizing mushrooms extremely fast at low temperatures. This way, the product preserves maximum nutrients and flavor. While powdered shiitake mushrooms are considered a superfood, they are still mushrooms. Therefore, there is no limit or recommended dose you should or shouldn’t take. If you wish to get a sufficient number of the nutritional benefits from this powder, consume about 1-2 teaspoons a day. Start with this amount and monitor how your body reacts. Decide whether you want to eat more based on your reaction to it. There are no know side effects or allergies to this product, but it’s always best to consult your family doctor or nutritionist before you try something new in your diet.

How to Eat Organic Shiitake Powder

Dried shiitake mushroom powder is incredibly flavorful since it is a concentrate of the fresh shiitake taste. That means it’s meaty, smoky, and vibrant. As such, it goes exceptionally well as savory seasoning. It’s so good that you can serve it with anything delicious, up to and including vegetable smoothies. You definitely should try making the following dishes adding a few powdered shiitake mushrooms:

  • Omelet or scrambled eggs
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Soups
  • Sauces
  • Stir-fry

You can also mix it with breadcrumbs for a tasty crunchy crust or sprinkle on savory baked goods. If you want to experiment, mix some powder with Greek yogurt and dress your fresh salad.

Organic Shiitake Mushroom Powder Storage Guide

Dried shiitake mushroom powder will keep exceptionally well as long as you ensure it stays dry and keeps it away from sunlight and heat. Always squeeze all air from the package before resealing it. Note that you shouldn’t store it close to spices to avoid cross-contamination of flavors.

Why You Should Add Mushroom Powder to Your Daily Routine

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