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Barley Sprout Powder

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close up barley grain before harvesting
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  • — Vegan
  • — Very Low in Cholesterol, Sodium, and Saturated Fat
  • — Very Good Source of Dietary Fiber, Iron and Calcium
  • — Good Source of Potassium and Protein

Barley Sprout Powder is a natural source of plant proteins and fiber. It also gives you a boost of some essential minerals and vitamins, including zinc. You only need to eat a little of sprouted barley powder to get the benefits that it offers. One gram per day with your meals should be a good start.

Exclusively young and fresh sprouts are used to make Food To Live Barley Sprout Powder. They are harvested at a stage when they contain maximum nutrients. Then, sprouts are dried and pulverized to reduce the loss of nutrients during the processing.

Note that barley malt powder tastes a bit bitter but mostly reminiscent of fresh grass. You can easily blend it with other ingredients if you don’t enjoy the taste but wish to enjoy the benefits.

How to Use Barley Sprout Powder

If you like its natural flavor, you can add sprouted barley powder to water and drink it. However, you can also mix it with fruits, vegetables, and herbs in smoothies.

Sprinkle some powder onto salads or sandwiches to increase their fiber and protein values. You can also use barley malt powder in baking, adding it to various flour mixes.

It’s a good fit for plant-based diets as it provides you with proteins and minerals at the cost of a few calories.

Store the powder in an airtight container in a place with low humidity. It will keep the best someplace cool.

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