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Red Rice

Red Rice
Red Rice 1
Red Rice 2
Red Rice 3
Red Rice 4
Red Rice Small Pack
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1 lb
$9.34 / lb
1.5 lbs
$9.53 / lb
3 lbs
$7.21 / lb
5 lbs
$4.68 / lb
Only 8 left in stock
6 lbs
$4.61 / lb
Only 7 left in stock
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  • — Raw, Vegan
  • — Contains Fiber and Protein

We all got used to thinking of brown rice as a healthier option to white rice, but what if we told you that brown rice has got a competitor now? Food to Live is happy to present a nutrient-rich, premium quality Red Rice available for sale. Not only will it bring a delicious taste and color to your dishes, but it also will fill them with a lavish number of antioxidants.  

Red Rice is named after its color, taken from Anthocyanins content. Anthocyanins are mainly responsible for pigmentation and can be found in flowers, vegetables, and fruits. They also act as antioxidants and fight free radicals, offering anti-inflammatory and anti-viral functions. 

Red Rice vs. Brown Rice 

At first sight, the distinguishing factor between Red and Brown Rice is the color, and this is an indisputable truth. Red Rice is very like brown when it comes to texture, however, it is a little chewier, while the second one has a bit fibrous aftertaste. If you happen to have brown rice, you may use it as an alternative to red in many recipes, still, it won’t replicate the original flavor and nutritional profile of red rice.  

Nutritional Value 

It is no secret that Red Rice contains a higher amount of nutrients than white rice. It has a great amount of vitamin B1, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and Selenium, which promote the immune system against infections. Because Red Rice is comprised mostly of Fiber and Protein, this product is a great source for replenishing energy levels for the day. 

Red Rice Uses 

Red rice tastes nutty and subtly sweet, so you can enjoy it as it is or mix it with variety of ingredients. It pairs well with meats and vegetables. It also serves as an excellent side dish for fish and seafood. Moreover, you can create red rice puddings, numerous cold salads, or the infamous rice bowls. You can also search for inspiration for Red Rice dishes in our blog section.  

Cooking Instructions

Follow these simple instructions on how to cook red rice: 

  • rinse the rice in the water 
  • add it to the pot in Red Rice water ratio 1 to 2,5  
  • bring to boil 
  • simmer for about 40-45 minutes until water is soaked up 
  • let it rest for 10 minutes 

Red Rice is more budget-friendly to shop in bulk. Store it in a tightly sealed container in a cool dry place and enjoy its wonderful taste and properties for up to 1,5 years. 

Did You Know? 

  • Red rice originated in Bhutan. 
  • There are more than 8 red rice types. 
  • Research shows that Red Rice is claimed to be the healthiest rice among all varieties. 

Red Rice Bowl with Spinach and Cherries

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