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Hulled Oat Groats

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$9.34 / lb
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$8.48 / lb
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$7.37 / lb
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$4.97 / lb
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$3.52 / lb
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Hulled Oat Groats are a type of minimally processed oat berries that only have their outer inedible husks removed. This is what distinguishes Oat Groats from Rolled Oats since the latter have been steamed and flattened which results in a different texture and nutritional profile. There is no difference between Hulless Oats vs Oat Groats, so if your recipe calls for hulless oats, this is the product you need. Hulled Oat Groats by Food to Live are of Premium Quality, 100% Raw, Vegan, and contain NO cholesterol or trans-fat.

Versatile Oat Groats Uses

Cooked Hulled Oats have a delicious nutty taste and a chewy texture. Hearty porridge made from Whole Premium Quality Oat Groats is perfect for starting your day off right and nourishing your body with essential nutrients. To make Oat Groats even tastier, serve them with nuts, dried or fresh fruits, peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, or maple syrup. If you are more into savory breakfasts, try making oat bowls with avocado, eggs (poached, boiled, or fried), tuna, mushrooms, or sausages.

Nevertheless, the uses of Hulled Oat Groats go beyond porridges. You can also add them to salads for a nutritional boost or use them as a side dish instead of rice, farro, quinoa, and barley. If you are choosing between Buckwheat Groats vs Oat Groats, we would advise you to buy them for different purposes and incorporate both of these grains into your diet combining their advantages. Food to Live’s Hulled Oats are suitable for milling and you can easily make healthy oat flour at home. Oat flour is excellent for baking bread, cookies, and brownies as well as making pancakes.

How to Cook Hulled Oat Groats?

Sometimes people ask: can you eat Oat Groats raw? And the answer is no since they are super hard and require cooking to be digestible. Though cooking of Hulled Oat Groats takes more time than cooking Rolled Oats, it is super easy. Simply rinse them well, add Oat Groats to a pot of boiling water (use 3 cups of water for 1 cup of groats), and simmer on low heat for 40 mins or until tender. You may soak them overnight to significantly reduce the cooking time.

Nutritional Value and Benefits of Hulled Oat Groats

Hulled Oat Groats have an outstanding nutritional profile which makes them a fantastic addition to a balanced diet. These groats are packed with plant protein, fiber, and carbs which are the main source of energy for our body. Cooked Oat Groats Nutrition Profile includes potent antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and essential elements such as Vitamins B1, B5, Manganese, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, and Folate. Eating oats may have a positive impact on your gut and heart health, lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol.

Shopping in Bulk

Take a look at Hulled Oat Groats bulk sizes on our sister-site foodinbulk.com You can also click the “wholesale” button located below the weight categories on this page.

Storage Tips

Store Hulled Oat Groats in a glass or plastic container with an air-tight lid in a cool dry place away from odorous materials.

Cooking Instructions

  • Rinse and drain oat groats
  • Add the oat groats to a pot with the water and salt (if using)
  • Cover and bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low
  • Simmer for 30 min
  • Remove the lid and simmer for 10-15 min longer, stirring occasionally, until water is absorbed

How to Cook Oat Groats: Top 3 Easy Recipes

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