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Cacao Powder

Cacao Powder
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8 oz
$1.11 / oz
1 lb
$12.31 / lb
1.5 lbs
$12.26 / lb
3 lbs
$11.00 / lb
6 lbs
$9.95 / lb
12 lbs
$9.90 / lb
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  • — Kosher, Raw, Vegan
  • — Very Low in Sodium and Cholesterol Free
  • — A Very Good Source of Protein, Potassium, Zinc, Dietary Fiber, Iron, & Magnesium
  • — Rich in Phosphorus, Copper, and Manganese

Why Eating Cacao Powder Is a Great Booster for Any Diet

If you love chocolate, here’s great news for you, including cacao powder in your diet will offer significant benefits. This powder comes from unroasted cacao beans, which means it’s the essence of chocolate in its purest form. It’s delicious and can make a significant number of dishes taste incredible. However, the most important thing is that raw cacao powder is an excellent source of antioxidants and many vital nutrients. Cacao powder is made by pulverizing raw cacao beans. Do not mistake it for cocoa, which comes from roasted beans. As cacao is raw, its nutritional value is higher. It also has a more potent flavor. Natural, unprocessed cacao powder taste is pretty much the same as the taste of raw bitter chocolate. Unsweetened cacao powder gives you a boost of antioxidants. Also, it’s one of the best plant sources of magnesium and iron and contains a lot of fiber. Most importantly, cacao powder has no natural sugar to speak of, and it does not contain caffeine. Therefore, your delicious homemade cacao chocolate will be right in every sense of the word.

Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Cacao Powder Uses and Storage Tips

The majority of people mostly use cacao powder for baking. It’s a great idea because adding a few spoonfuls to the dough will turn anything you make into a piece of chocolatey goodness. However, you can also get more creative and add some raw cacao powder to smoothies, oatmeal, and even sauces. Of course, you should also use it in homemade sweets and chocolates. You can buy cacao powder bulk as it will keep for up to two years if stored properly. Always keep it in an airtight container in a cool and dry place (70-80F). But remember not to store cacao powder in the fridge. The environment there is too humid.

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