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Barley Grass Powder

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6 oz
$2.32 / oz
12 oz
$1.32 / oz
1 lb
$16.49 / lb
2.5 lbs
$16.44 / lb
5 lbs
$14.77 / lb
10 lbs
$12.00 / lb
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  • — Raw, Vegan
  • — Good Source of Dietary Fiber and Protein

Do you feel like your diet might be lacking greens? Well, we know an easy way to fix that. Barley Grass Powder by Food to Live is made from the entire young leaves of Barley plant (unlike Barley Juice Powder) – harvested at the time when they are full of healthful nutrients. Firstly, the leaves are carefully dried and then milled into a fine powder which is extremely convenient to store and use. 

Barley Grass Powder Uses 

Powdered Barley Grass has a rather a mild taste with a note of bitterness. You may not enjoy the powder on its own but if you mix it with other ingredients, the “grassy” flavor will barely be noticed. It is very common to use Barley Grass Powder for juice, especially mixed with citrus and apple. Just blend 1-2 teaspoons of powder into a cup of your favorite juice and enjoy. Another great way to benefit from this wonderful product is using Barley Grass Powder for smoothies or protein shakes. Moreover, it can be added to baked goodies, salads, stews, pasta, or soups. Want your pastries or pancakes to have a vibrant green color? Use Barley Grass Powder instead of your chemically-infused food dyes, as it acts a great natural food-coloring agent.  

Barley Grass Powder Nutritional Value 

Barley Grass Powder is so valued for the amount of essential nutrients it provides. This powder is rich in dietary fiber and protein: just 1 ounce of Powdered Barley contains 8g of fiber and 8g of protein, which as you already know, are important for our digestive system. Furthermore, Pure Barley Grass Powder is a great source of Vitamin C and A. These 2 vitamins act as antioxidants and help to fight free radicals as well as play a key role in many processes of our bodies. What’s amazing is that this Powder is trans-fat, sugar, and cholesterol-free. It may promote weight loss and support heart health. It is safe to consume Barley Grass Powder every day however, limit the dosage to 1-2 teaspoons per day. 


Please, note that powders are extremely sensitive to humidity, hence, should be kept in air-tight containers in a cool dry place. Always make sure the bag is tightly closed, especially if you are buying Barley Grass Powder bulk.

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