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Italian White Arborio Rice

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1 lb
$6.89 / lb
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$6.16 / lb
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$6.11 / lb
5 lbs
$4.97 / lb
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$3.13 / lb
20 lbs
$2.80 / lb
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  • — Vegan
  • — Good Source of Protein and Fiber

What is White Arborio Rice and why is it special? This is a short-grain rice variety that originated in Italy. Arborio Rice is known for its high starch content and pearly appearance. White Arborio Rice by Food to Live is of Premium Quality, 100% Raw, Kosher, Vegan, and available in bulk.

Is White Arborio Rice Healthy?

Arborio White Rice is a staple in many households and it’s no wonder! White Arborio Rice benefits are linked to its decent levels of plant protein and dietary fiber, key macronutrients that support cell repair and healthy digestion. Further, Arborio Rice is rich in carbohydrates – our primary source of energy. What’s more, this rice variety contains Vitamins B1 and B3 in addition to some essential minerals like Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Iron. Apart from that, Arborio White Rice is low in fat and Sodium which may benefit our cardiovascular system.

Arborio White Rice Versatile Uses

Cooked Arborio White Rice boasts a mild taste and a creamy texture which it is so famous for. Is Arborio Rice the same as White Rice? Arborio Rice is a type of white rice and if you wonder “can arborio rice be substituted for white rice?”, the answer is yes, feel free to use Arborio Rice instead of other White Rices but take into account that it may affect the texture of your dish. Probably the most popular White Arborio Rice recipe is risotto – a traditional Italian dish. Besides, it is a common ingredient of arancini, pilafs, rice puddings, and various stir-fries. Moreover, serve this rice variety as a side dish with stews, meat, veggies, or make delicious Arborio Rice and White Bean soup.

How to Cook White Arborio Rice?

White Arborio Rice cooking instructions are pretty simple and include these few steps:

  • Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add a pinch of salt
  • Rinse 1 cup of White Arborio Rice and add it to boiling water
  • Cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for 20 mins
  • Fluff with a fork and serve

Shopping in bulk

Shop wisely with Food to Live’s White Arborio Rice bulk bags and pay less per unit. For even larger sizes visit our sister shop foodinbulk.com

Storage Tips

Does White Arborio Rice go bad? It does, so it’s important to store it properly. Keep the rice in a glass or plastic container with an air-tight lid in a cool dry place away from odorous foods and materials.

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