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Organic Keto Raw Nuts Gift Box

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$43.99 / Box
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  • — Non-GMO, Kosher, Raw, Vegan
  • — Box Content: Organic Pecans (6-oz bag), Organic Brazil Nuts (8-oz bag), Organic Macadamia Nuts (8-oz bag), Organic Walnuts (4-oz bag), Organic Hazelnuts (8-oz bag)

Food To Live Offers Organic Keto Raw Nuts Gift Box

It includes all nuts individually packaged in a resealable bag so that your loved ones can enjoy the gift for a long time. We made sure to include the most valuable nuts so that your gift is full of nutrition and has a lot to offer.  

Organic Pecans

Organic Pecans are considered to be one of the most antioxidant tree nuts. Native Americans value Pecans for their rich nutritious content and use them as a medication knew their healthful qualities. All pecans – both organic and non-organic – are a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients. They are especially rich in minerals – manganese, copper, zinc – and vitamins. What is essential – Pecans are loaded with antioxidants.

Organic Brazil

Organic Brazil nuts have a unique rich flavor and are often used in recipes as a substitute for macadamia or even coconuts. Besides, you can mix with other types of nuts to make nutritious, tasty, and healthy snacks. Organic Brazils are prepared in a wide array of ways – raw, roasted, salted, and sweetened.

Organic Macadamia Nuts

In addition to the most delicious nuts, Australian nuts, also known as Organic Macadamia nuts, favored their sweet and buttery taste. They are an abundant source of minerals, antioxidants, and carbohydrates. Besides, Macadamias are a healthy and delicious ingredient for many meals, and they make a perfect snack on their own due to the numerous elements and nutrients they contain.

Organic Walnuts

Organic Walnuts are healthier than non-organic ones. The main reason for this is that they did not contain pesticides and were not irradiated. Walnuts belong to the tree nut family and have a unique nutritional profile. They have more healthy fats and minerals, including magnesium and calcium. You can enjoy the pleasant taste of walnuts by adding them to salads and side dishes, using them in baking, and eating them as a snack at the office.

Organic Hazelnuts

Our Organic Hazelnuts or filberts are large-size nutritious nuts. Organic Hazelnuts grow without the use of chemicals; they are safe and full of essential vitamins and minerals. Organic hazelnuts have a significant number of culinary applications. They taste amazing on their own and go exceptionally well with vegetables, sweet pastries, and desserts. Moreover, you can use them to make delicious hazelnuts butter or milk.

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