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Organic Red Dragon Fruit Powder

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6 oz
$2.75 / oz
12 oz
$1.66 / oz
1.5 lbs
$26.57 / lb
2.5 lbs
$26.51 / lb
5 lbs
$26.46 / lb
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  • — Non-GMO, Organic, Raw, Vegan
  • — Contains Maltodextrin

Dragon fruit aka pitaya or strawberry pear is a superfruit native to Central and South America. While you might have seen red-skin pitaya with white flesh inside, the other primary type has red pulp instead. Food to Live Organic Dragon Fruit Powder is made from red-flesh dragon fruit, which is sweeter, juicier, and more nutritious compared to its white counterpart. To make our fine powder, we use the freeze-drying method; this way the original benefits of the fruit are preserved in high quantities. Moreover, our Organic Red Dragon Fruit Powder is Non-GMO, Raw, and Vegan.

Nutritional Value of Organic Pitaya Powder

Due to its rich nutritional content, Organic Powdered Dragon Fruit can be a true gem for your diet. It is packed with Magnesium, which helps with the regulation of Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium levels. It is also rich in fiber, important for proper bowel function, and antioxidants that protect our cells against free radicals. Moreover, Organic Dried Dragon Fruit Powder is a great source of Iron, and Vitamin C and B2. Iron supplies oxygen throughout the body, while vitamins support the immune system and fill you with energy.

How to Use Red Pitaya Powder Organic & Non-GMO

You’ll be surprised, by how versatile Organic Red Pitaya Dragon Fruit Powder is. Sprinkle it over your oatmeal, ice cream, and desserts to infuse them with extra nutrients. Otherwise, use Dragon Fruit Powder for drinks, it dissolves nicely if mixed with a frother. You may start by adding 1-2 teaspoons to your favorite shakes, smoothies, lattes, juices, and yogurts. You also can make DIY vitamin water by simply blending three ingredients: a scoop of pitaya powder, water, and ice cubes. Pitaya Powder Organic & Non-GMO can be dropped into salads since it will complement the taste of vegetables and fruit. Moreover, use Organic Powdered Pitaya as a natural coloring agent for your pastries. Its vivid pink color will give your cakes, muffins, frosting, batter, and cookies an aesthetic kick.

How to Store Red Pitaya Dragon Fruit Powder

Now that you know how you can enjoy powdered pitaya, give thought to shopping Dragon Fruit Powder in bulk. Store it in an airtight container in a cool dry place. Should you need to extend its shelf life for up to 1.5 years, keep it in a freezer. Keep in mind that this powder hardens easily if not stored properly.

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