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Organic Black Lentils

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8 oz
$1.12 / oz
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$12.45 / lb
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$9.18 / lb
3 lbs
$9.90 / lb
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$6.79 / lb
10 lbs
$5.98 / lb
15 lbs
$4.83 / lb
20 lbs
$4.77 / lb
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  • — Kosher, Non-GMO, Organic, Sproutable, Vegan
  • — Whole Raw Lentils
  • — High in Thiamin, Iron, and Phosphorus
  • — A Very Good source of Manganese, Dietary Fiber, and Folate

Organic Black Lentils: Tasty and Exotic Source of Nutrients

Lentils are right for you, and Organic Black Lentils are the most nutritious type of them. Every spoonful of this delicious food gives you a boost of not only proteins and fiber. You also get servings of calcium and iron with only the smallest amount of fat.

These tiny black spheres are similar in properties to other types of lentils. However, they taste a bit richer and more earthy. That’s why they make an excellent ingredient in salads.

Cooking and Storage Tips for Organic Black Lentils

You can use organic black lentils in any recipe with lentils. However, due to their firmer texture, they would work best in recipes that require whole-cooked lentils. Soups and salads taste the best with them because of the rich natural flavor of this food.

You don’t need to pre-soak organic lentils. Rinse them and start cooking. Usually, you’ll need to cook organic black lentils for about 30 minutes to keep them firm. Cook for 40 minutes if you’d like them to become so soft they’ll fall apart.

Store organic black lentils in an airtight container. If you keep them dry, they will keep for well over a year. You can keep them in the freezer, but it’s not necessary. Lentils contain very little fat. Therefore, the risk of them going rancid is low. The most important thing is to keep them dry and away from heat.

How to Sprout Lentils at Home

  1. Yields approximately 3 cups (1/2 lb.) of sprouts. Prep 3 tablespoons of lentils, then transfer into a bowl or into your sprouter. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60°-70°) water. Mix lentils up to assure even water contact for all.
  2. Allow lentils to soak for 6-12 hours. Empty the lentils into your sprouter (if necessary). Drain off the soak water. Rinse thoroughly with cool (60°-70°) water. Drain thoroughly! Set your sprouter anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between rinses. Ensure sufficient air-circulation is provided.
  3. Always be sure to drain very thoroughly. The most common cause of inferior sprouts is inadequate drainage. Rinse and drain again every 8-12 hours for 3 days.

Enjoy your home-made sprouts!

Cooking Instructions

Get creative! Fold lentils into an omelet, stir them into pasta sauce, use them in place of chickpeas for hummus or mash them up to make a veggie burger or meatless meatballs.

  • Organic Black lentils don’t need to be presoaked the way other legumes do.
  • You can just put them in a pot, cover them with about a half-inch of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer uncovered for about 40 minutes. Add Salt.

Vegan Black Lentil “Meatballs”

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