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Pistachios Roasted and Salted

Growing pistachios on the branch of pistachio tree.
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8 oz
$1.27 / oz
1.5 lbs
$13.17 / lb
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  • — Kosher, Vegan
  • — Free of Cholesterol
  • — Good source of Thiamin
  • — Vitamin B6, Copper and Manganese
  • — Roasted and Salted

Pistachios nuts are not only delicious and pleasant to eat but also super wholesome. These tasty seeds of the Pistacia vera tree bear healthy fats and are an excellent source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Moreover, they include several necessary nutrients and can support weight loss and gut health. Interestingly enough, people have been consuming pistachios since 7000 BC. Nowadays, they’re trendy in many dishes, including desserts and ice cream.

Nutritional Facts and Benefits

Vitamin B6 goldmine. Pistachios are rich in protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Besides, they boast many other necessary nutrients, including potassium and vitamin B6. Reputably, these nuts are one of the most vitamin B6-rich foods around. Vitamin B6 is vital for various bodily purposes, including regulation of blood sugar and hemoglobin formation, which carries oxygen in red blood cells.

High in antioxidants Antioxidants are vital to your health. They block cell damage and help to reduce the risk of disease and severe conditions. Pistachios contain more antioxidants than most other nuts and seeds. The only other nuts that contain more are walnuts and pecans. More interestingly, the antioxidants in pistachios are very friendly for the stomach. Hence, they are more likely to be absorbed during digestion.

High in Protein and Low in Calories Luckily, pistachios are amongst the lowest-calorie nuts. One ounce has 159 calories, compared to 193 calories in pecans and 185 calories in walnuts. With protein containing about 20% of their weight, pistachios are secondary only to almonds when it comes to protein value. Furthermore, they have a more powerful proportion of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein ⁠— than any other nut.

Support and Enhance Healthy Gut Bacteria Pistachios are high in fiber, which is suitable for your gut bacteria. Eating them regulary may improve the number of bacteria that deliver beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate. Our Pistachios are Roasted and Salted; you can enjoy them right out of the pack, add them to your cheese platter or add them to your next trail mix. We recommend you buy these in Bulk, as they store for many months without any extra care. Please keep them in an airtight container and best in a cool, dry place.

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