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Organic Yellow Popcorn

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1 lb
$13.82 / lb
2 lbs
$6.91 / lb
3 lbs
$6.41 / lb
7 lbs
$3.61 / lb
10 lbs
$3.55 / lb
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  • — Vegan, Raw

We can’t imagine a movie night without munching on the classic popcorn! Organic Yellow Popcorn by Food to Live is not only delicious but also full of nutritional value. Our Popcorn is a healthy alternative to sodium-rich processed chips and is super-quick to prepare. It contains no salt, oil or other additives and preservatives.

Our Popcorn is a USDA Organic, 100% Non-GMO and a Vegan product, which comes from whole yellow corn kernels of flint variety. Its main difference from yellow sweet corn is that the latter won’t pop when exposed to heat. Conversely, Organic Popcorn Kernels cannot be eaten from the cob. Not only are they harvested differently and planted separately, but they also have different shapes. Popcorn grains are round, whereas yellow whole corn kernels are rectangular.

Nutritional Value

Except for being tasty, popcorn is also a wholesome snack which is low in calories and high in fiber, which is good for the digestive system. It is also a great source of vitamins B1, B3, B6, Folate, and Pantothenic acid, which are linked to body metabolism. Organic Yellow Popcorn Kernels contain a fair amount of Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc, and Manganese. In addition, they are rich in powerful antioxidants Polyphenols which are important for protecting our cells from free radicals and improving blood circulation.

How to Make Popcorn at Home

If you want to recreate a famous theater-quality air-popped treat, Organic Popcorn by Food to Live is just it. Once heated, it expands and puffs up into large fluffy yellowish flakes with a pleasant nutty flavor. Once prepared, top it off with salt, garlic, parmesan, or pepper. If you prefer a sweet version – use cinnamon sugar, caramel, or peanut butter.

Storage Tips

Store Organic Popcorn Kernels bulk in an airtight container in a cool dry place for 6 months. Note, freezing can help to preserve its freshness for up to 2 years.

Cooking Instructions

Note: 1/2 cup of kernels yield 15 cups of popcorn.

Popcorn on a Stovetop

  1. Into a med/large pan, pour 2 tbsp of oil, fully covering the pan. Heat over med/high heat.
  2. Put 3 test popcorn kernels into pan and cover with lid.
  3. When test kernels pop, take lid off and add ½ cup of popcorn kernels, then cover it back up.
  4. Carefully slide pan around while on burner during the first few minutes. Let kernels pop for about 3-4 mins.
  5. When popping slows down, take pan off the heat.
  6. Add salt and/or butter or caramel to your liking. Let cool & enjoy.

Homemade Caramel Popcorn

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