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Organic Regular Rolled Oats


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8 oz
$1.83 / oz
1 lb
$16.49 / lb
2 lbs
$9.44 / lb
Only 5 left in stock
4 lbs
$5.96 / lb
6 lbs
$5.02 / lb
12 lbs
$4.99 / lb
Only 6 left in stock
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  • — Non-GMO, Organic, Raw, Vegan
  • — Good Source of Dietary Fiber, Phosphorus, Selenium, Manganese, and Iron

Among different kinds of oats, Organic Rolled Oats are definitely Food to Live’s best seller. Also known as Old-Fashioned Oats, they are made by steaming and flattening whole oat groats in heavy rollers into flakes with a flat surface. This process allows rolled oats to absorb water easier and cook faster. Moreover, it stabilizes oils within the grain, thus Organic Rolled Oats in bulk can be stored long-term. Every step taken within the process, from rolling to packaging takes place in a Gluten-Free facility; Yes! our Organic Regular Rolled Oats are Gluten-Free. Further, if comparing Rolled Oats and Quick-Cooking Oats, please note that the latter is derived from oats, that have been cut into pieces before processing. As a result, they cook almost instantly, but usually present with less nutrients and a thicker texture.

Nutritional Value

Going through little processing, Organic Rolled Oats are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are a great source of protein and dietary fiber, making you feel full for a longer period of time. Soluble fiber also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Besides, oats are rich in Iron, Phosphorus, Selenium, Manganese, and B vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Niacin). Once again, Food to Live’s Organic Rolled Oats are Gluten-Free, meaning they suit people with gluten intolerance.

Ways to Use Organic Rolled Oats

Prepare oatmeal or overnight oats, by mixing rolled oats with milk in a ratio of 1:1 and leaving it to rest in a fridge for 6-12 hours. Being rather bland with earthy notes, Organic Thick Rolled Oats are good in taking on the flavor of ingredients they are mixed with. For an added nutritional kick serve cooked oats with fruit, nuts, or seeds. You can also use them as savory side dish instead of other whole-grains, for example in pilaf and risotto. Use as breading instead of breadcrumbs for fried foods. Moreover, bake Organic Old Fashioned Oats into cookies, muffins, sports bars, and granola, or grind into Gluten-Free flour for pastry recipes.

How to Cook Organic Old Fashioned Rolled Oats:

1) Add 1 cup of oats and 2 cups of water/milk into a saucepan

2) Bring to a boil over the medium heat, while stirring occasionally

3) Low the heat and cook until the liquid is absorbed to a creamy texture (about 3-5 minutes)

Storage Tips

Store Organic Old Fashioned Oats bulk in an airtight container or in its original packaging in a cool dry place like your pantry.

Homemade Oat Milk

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