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Corn Flour

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$0.70 / oz
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$5.99 / lb
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$4.79 / lb
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$3.50 / lb
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$3.40 / lb
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$3.35 / lb
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$3.30 / lb
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  • — Kosher, Raw, Vegan
  • — Low Sodium
  • — Made from Whole Grain

Looking for a delicious and easy to work with wheat flour alternative? You can stop searching because Corn Flour by Food to Live is exactly it! Besides being branded as Corn Flour for Tortillas, this flour is full of culinary versatility. It is made in metal rollers by grinding whole yellow dent corn with the tough outer hull removed. Compared to cornmeal which is grittier and coarser, Corn Flour presents with a fine and smooth consistency. It is important to know that Corn Flour is not the same as cornstarch, which is derived from the starchy part of the maize and is much less nutritious. 

Nutritional Value

Nutrition-wise, Yellow Corn Flour can provide remarkable benefits to human health. It consists of essential nutrients like protein and carbs which are responsible for body’s energy source. It also provides fiber, and vitamins of group B (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin) which can increase the process of metabolic function. Further, Magnesium and Potassium content may support bone health, while Iron and vitamin A are good for the digestive system. And to top it all off, Corn Flour is low in sodium and fat which eliminates the risk of high blood pressure.

Versatile Corn Flour Uses

Aside from the common use of Corn Flour for baking tortillas and tacos, try it out as a binder for puddings, cutlets, and koftas. It also can be used for thickening soup, stews, sauces, or marinades. Next time you want to add crunchiness to your fried foods like fish or meats, coat them with Corn Flour before roasting. Besides, depending on the recipe, Corn Flour can either swap out or be mixed with All-Purpose Flour for making bread, pancakes, waffles, and muffins. Other readily available substitutes corn flour are Rice Flour, Masa Harina, Tapioca, and Potato Flours.

Storage tips

Store Corn Flour bulk in a moisture-proof container away from heat in a cool dry place. Also, you may keep it in the refrigerator if you want to extend its shelf life for up to 1.5 years.

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