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Celery Seeds

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Celery Seeds Front Small
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4 oz
$1.68 / oz
8 oz
$0.87 / oz
1 lb
$9.53 / lb
2 lbs
$8.61 / lb
5 lbs
$7.64 / lb
12 lbs
$6.28 / lb
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  • — Kosher, Raw, Vegan
  • — High in Iron and Calcium
  • — Trans Fat, Cholesterol & Sugar-Free

In Europe, celery seeds are well known since the times of ancient Greece and Rome. Even during those times, the seeds were an indispensable ingredient in many recipes. Indian Ayurvedic physicians often used celery seeds for the purpose of removing excess fluids from the body. Celery seeds can be eaten dried or fresh. Not only do they serve as an excellent food seasoning, but they can also be brewed in tea, all of which have a very favorable effect on the human body.

Celery Seeds Health Benefits

Celery seeds contain amino acids, zinc, iron, and flavonoids that have great health benefits. Some of the most important benefits are as follows:

  • Celery seeds contain a unique set of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and acids that provide stability in cells. They have anti-inflammatory properties as well as a diuretic substance.
  • The presence of phthalides and polyacetylenes helps to neutralize carcinogens. Celery seeds also contain coumarins that have a beneficial effect on the blood. Celery seeds are rich in vitamin C, which has been shown to strengthen the immune system.

Spice Up Your Life: Celery Seeds for Health and Flavor

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Product Reviews
Reviews on
If you use a lot of celery seeds, this is a great value. Seem like good quality (tastes fine) and much better value than paying ten times as much per ounce in the grocery store.
from Dan M
arrived quickly, makes a nice tea, had no luck sprouting any of them
Came on time. Exactly what I was expecting
Fresh and flavorful. Excellent product, reasonably priced.
from DeLynn
I'm Sold On This Brand Of Celery Seed, Fresh and Tasty Right Out The Bag. When it comes to seasonings in foods , this is a really good brand of celery seed. It is fresh and this large bag will last forever. I removed it from the bag and put it in seasoning jars to maintain it's freshness. I use it in my salads , dressings, gravy's but especially for my fresh chicken noodle soup ! When you can't get your hands on the fresh stalk this is the second best choice.
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