June 08, 2015 · Written by Foodtolive Team

Raw Almonds: Important Things You Need to Know

The most important fact you need to know before you start contemplating the nutritional value of raw almonds is that the almonds you buy in the U.S. aren’t actually raw. All almond growers in America must “sterilize” their products due to the official decree of September 2007.

In most cases they are pasteurized, though labeled raw, so beware if this is important to you. Some producers do sell 100% natural almonds and almond butter. If this is what you seek, you should look for them at small farmer markets.

Another important thing that makes many people hesitate about eating raw almonds is the articles that claim them to be poisonous. There are quite a few of them online, so it’s no wonder that an average American is wary about this particular food.


Are Raw Almonds Poisonous?

That depends on the type of the almond. There are two types of this plant, bitter and sweet almonds. Only the sweet variety is cultivated due to its exquisite taste and high nutritious value. Bitter almonds are indeed poisonous because they contain a substance that breaks down to cyanide when it gets inside your body.

Depending on the potency and quantity of the toxin consuming it can be fatal. However, you can easily avoid this danger. All that you need to do is not to eat any raw almonds you find when wandering in the wilderness. Unless you are 100% sure that the tree you found is sweet almond.


How to Store Raw Almonds

When you buy your almonds raw, you need to store them right or they will get spoiled quickly. This is how you should do this:

  • Keep them in a cool place.
    The oil in raw almonds will spoil if you keep them in a place with the temperature over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In a perfect case scenario you should store them someplace cooler (under 40 degrees) so your fridge is the perfect option.
  • Pack them in an airtight container.
    Light, moisture, and smells can damage raw almonds, so you need to reduce their exposure to these elements. To do this, pack them in an opaque glass or hard plastic container.
  • Consider freezing.
    Frozen almonds can be stored for over a year. This is a good option if you buy in bulk, but the texture and taste of the product will suffer.