August 21, 2023 · Written by Foodtolive Team

Homemade Chocolate Cereal (Cocoa Puffs)

Say goodbye to store-bought cereals filled with additives. Crafted with oat flour, cocoa powder, popped amaranth or quinoa, and a touch of natural sweetness, this recipe offers a healthier breakfast option for kids and adults alike.

Prep Time: 20 min | Cook Time: 10 min | Total Time: 30 min | Servings: 2

Calories: 220 | Total Fat: 11g | Sugars: 10g | Fiber: 7g | Protein: 7g



  1. In a bowl, combine all of the ingredients.
  2. Take small portions of the mixture and shape them into bite-sized puffs.


  1. Place them on a parchment-lined tray and bake for 10 min.
  2. Your Homemade Chocolate Puffs Cereal is ready! Enjoy it with milk, yogurt, or as a snack straight from the bowl.


This recipe inspired by Ela Vegan

Video recipe: