July 09, 2023 · Written by Foodtolive Team

Pickling at Home and Why Summer is the Perfect Time for Pickling

Summer is a fantastic season for exploring culinary adventures, and one such delightful activity is pickling. Pickling is a preservation technique that has been practiced for centuries, allowing us to savor the flavors of various fruits and vegetables long after their harvest. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of pickling, explore its benefits, discuss long term versus short term pickling, and provide you with a simple recipe to get started. Get ready to unlock the art of pickling and make the most of this summer’s bounty!

What is Pickling?

Pickling is a preservation method that involves soaking food in a solution of vinegar, salt, and spices. This process imparts a tangy and flavorful taste while preserving the food. Almost any fruit or vegetable can be pickled, offering a versatile range of flavors and textures to explore. Common pickled items include cucumbers, carrots, beets, onions, peppers, and even fruits like watermelon rind or peaches.

pickling-at-home-1Why is Eating Pickled Products Good for You?

Pickled products offer a range of health benefits. The pickling process increases the shelf life of perishable produce, allowing you to enjoy them long after their peak season. Additionally, pickling introduces beneficial bacteria called probiotics, which promote a healthy gut microbiome and aid in digestion. Pickled foods are often low in fat and calories, making them a great addition to a balanced diet. They can also provide a source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

pickling-at-home-2Long Term vs. Short Term Pickling

Pickling can be done for both short term and long-term consumption. Short term pickling, also known as quick pickling, involves soaking the food in a vinegar solution for a short period, typically a few hours or overnight. This method yields a tangy and crisp result, perfect for immediate consumption. Long term pickling, on the other hand, involves allowing the flavors to develop over time through fermentation. This method requires more time, ranging from several days to a few weeks. The longer fermentation process creates complex flavors, softer textures, and develops probiotics.

Why is it Best to Pickle Long Term Options During the Summer Season?

Summer is an ideal time for long-term pickling due to the abundance of fresh produce. The warm weather accelerates the fermentation process, allowing the flavors to develop more quickly. Additionally, summer fruits and vegetables are at their peak flavor and quality, making them perfect candidates for long term pickling. Embrace the seasonal abundance and capture the essence of summer in your pickled creations.

pickling-at-home-3Spices for Pickling

When it comes to pickling, spices play a vital role in enhancing the flavors. At Food to Live we offer a diverse range of high-quality spices that can elevate your pickling endeavors. Here are some popular spices for pickling:

  • Mustard seeds: Add a subtle nutty flavor and texture to your pickles.
  • Dill seeds and dill weed: Provide a classic and aromatic taste, perfect for pickling cucumbers.
  • Coriander seeds: Add a citrusy and slightly sweet note to your pickled creations.
  • Red pepper flakes: Infuse a hint of heat and spice to your pickles.


  • Cloves: Offer a warm and fragrant element that pairs well with various pickled vegetables.
  • Bay leaves: With their herbal and slightly floral notes, bay leaves provide a subtle and earthy undertone to pickling brines.
  • Allspice: Known for its warm and aromatic taste, allspice brings a unique and complex flavor to pickled products.
  • Black pepper: With its bold and robust flavor, black pepper adds depth and complexity to pickling recipes.
  • Sea salt: Known for its natural and pure taste, sea salt enhances the overall flavor of pickled products.

For a convenient pickling experience, consider exploring our Pickling Gift Box. This thoughtfully curated box includes a selection of premium spices to kickstart your pickling journey.

pickling-at-home-gift-setSimple Recipe to Get You Started on Long-Term Pickling:


  • 2 pounds of cucumbers, washed and sliced into spears or rounds
  • 2 cups of distilled white vinegar
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/4 cup of salt
  • 2 tbsp of dill seeds
  • 1 tbsp of mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp of coriander seeds
  • 4 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • Fresh dill sprigs (optional)


  1. Sterilize your jars: Start by sterilizing your jars and lids by boiling them in water for 10 minutes. This step ensures the pickles remain safe and free from bacteria.
  2. Prepare the brine: In a large saucepan, combine the vinegar, water, salt, dill seeds, mustard seeds, and coriander seeds. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the salt dissolves. Remove the brine from heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
  3. Pack the jars: Place a clove of garlic and a sprig of fresh dill (if using) in each sterilized jar. Pack the cucumber slices tightly into the jars, leaving about half an inch of headspace at the top.
  4. Pour the brine: Carefully pour the brine over the cucumbers, ensuring they are completely submerged. Leave about a quarter-inch of headspace to allow for expansion during fermentation.
  5. Remove air bubbles: Use a clean utensil, such as a chopstick or a plastic spatula, to remove any air bubbles trapped in the jars.
  6. Seal the jars: Wipe the rims of the jars clean and place the lids on tightly. Ensure the lids are properly sealed.
    Fermentation process: Store the jars in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cellar. Allow the pickles to ferment for at least 1 to 2 weeks, although longer fermentation times will result in more developed flavors. Remember to burp the jars occasionally by slightly loosening the lids to release any built-up pressure.
  7. Enjoy the pickles: Once the desired fermentation period is reached, refrigerate the jars to slow down the fermentation process. The pickles will continue to develop flavor over time. They can be enjoyed for several months.

pickling-at-home-5Pickling at home is a rewarding and flavorful experience, and summer provides the perfect opportunity to preserve the season’s abundance. Whether you’re a fan of tangy cucumbers or experimenting with unique fruit and vegetable combinations, pickling offers a versatile and healthy way to enjoy the bounties of nature. With the right spices and a little patience, you can savor the taste of summer long after the season fades away. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and embark on a pickling adventure that will add zest to your culinary repertoire. Happy pickling!