October 12, 2015 · Written by Foodtolive Team

Flax Seeds: What Dangerous Diseases They Prevent and Cure

Flax seeds were cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC. However, only studies that have been conducted over the past two decades have revealed their wonderful health benefits. Flax seeds have been ranked among the best for their extremely rich content of healthful nutrients. Here are only two examples in support of this statement: two tablespoons of flax seeds contain 140% of the required daily amount of Omega 3 fatty acids; they rank #1 source of lignans, a cancer-fighting plant substance that is rich in antioxidants and estrogen. In addition to that, flax seeds are a rich source of fiber, protein, flavonoids, selenium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. They help prevent and cure a number of serious diseases that present a real danger to the mankind.



Dangerous Diseases That Flax Seeds Help Withstand

  • Heart disease.
    Due to the high content of fatty acids, lignans, and flavonoids, each having distinct cardio protective qualities, flax seeds act on several levels. Fatty acids help prevent the formation of plaque within the arteries and support their elasticity, thus fighting against atherosclerosis. They also help control blood pressure levels and play an important role in maintaining the heart’s rhythm. Flavonoids lower bad cholesterol in the blood. Lignans protect against inflammation, and due to their antioxidant properties help overcome oxidative stress.
    Fiber and lignans help control blood sugar level and, if flaxs eeds are consumed regularly, maintain it in norm for long periods of time. Lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood prevent obesity and metabolic syndrome.
  • Certain types of cancer.
    Omega 3 fatty acids and lignans, which are fiber-related polyphenols with strong antioxidant properties, can protect against breast, prostate, and colon cancer. Due to their conversion into the hormone estrogen in the digestive tract, lignans are especially useful in preventing the growth of hormone-sensitive tumors.
    Anti-inflammatory properties of flax seeds may be accounted for Omega 3 fatty acids and flavonoids as potent antioxidants. They are especially useful for people who suffer from arthritis, asthma, and some other diseases that are provoked by certain kinds of inflammation. Flax seeds can also reduce the duration and complications of colds and flu due to the antibacterial and anti-viral properties of lignans.
  • Digestive disorders.
    Flax seeds are especially beneficial for the digestive tract due to the high content of mucilage gum, which is a gel-forming type of soluble fiber. It protects the lining of the gut and helps people with Crohn`s disease, ulcers in the stomach, and different digestive disorders. Insoluble fiber cleans and detoxifies the colon, reducing the risk of colon cancer and preventing constipation.


How to Use Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are better used in the form of a powder. The usual ways of their intake are as follows:

  • Eat 1TBS ground flax seeds powder on empty stomach with a glass of warm water.
  • Add the powder to energy drinks, juices.
  • Mix 1TBS powder into oatmeal, cereals, soups, or smoothies.
  • Use ground flax seeds as toppings for salads or sprinkle them on dishes.
  • Add ground seeds to baked foods.
  • Roast vegetables in equal parts of flaxseed and olive oils.